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There is my heart

Mátra wine

The historical Mátra wine region is in terms of its size the second largest wine growing area and the largest one among the mountain’s regions with its almost 7000-hectar large vineyards registered. The region is located on the southern slopes of the Mátra Mountain in east-west direction between the rivers Tarna and Zagyva with an extension of 15-20 kilometers east-west direction.
In the region, viticulture dates back to ancient times.
The centre and the biggest settlement of the Mátra wine region is Gyöngyös. With its surrounding villages and Mátra ranges in the background, it is one of the most attractive places in Hungary. (Viniculture and winegrowing in this region was established prior to the arrival of the Magyars in the Carpathian Basin. During the reign of Saint Stephen I planting grapes had a long-established tradition. The first written records referring to winemaking date back to the 1040s; ‘in 1042 a monastery along with a wine estate was built in the outskirts of the village Saár.’ In the Mátra Mountains the extensive vine cultivation started to develop in the 13th century and the wine trade was of great significance already in the 14th century.)
The soil of the wine region is predominantly brown Chernozem and brown earth. Its subsoil is more diverse; it consists of varieties of volcanic and post-volcanic rocks. The basin is wrapped by the Carpathian Mountains from severe weather conditions and the cold northern winds. The southern and south-western slopes of the Mátra Mountains are rich in sunshine, thus ripening the berries, however, the soil of former volcanoes also gives a mineral taste to the grapes, enabling the production of fiery and fragrant wines. The vineyards are located 250-300 meters above sea level. Many people say, this is the place where the sun meets the mountain.
The local white wines are predominantly famous for their fresh, floral and fruity fragrance.
The local mellow wine builds bridges to our fellow members, making friendships between people. In terms of grape species, besides the traditional Olasz rizling, Szürkebarát (Pinot grigio), Leányka (Mädchentraube), Muscat ottonel and Tramini, Sauvignon blanc and Chardonnay also serve as basis for wines of excellent quality. On the recently planted vineyards the Hungarian fragrant species, such as Irsai Olivér and Cserszegi fűszeres are becoming increasingly widespread. These wines perfectly match with our local food, mutually intensifying each other's flavor and delicacy. The Mátra’s fresh and fruity nature also intensifies the flavor of rosé and that of red wines which are mainly made from Kékfrankos grapes. The famous wine-making towns and villages of the region are Abasár, Markaz, Nagyréde, Gyöngyös, Gyöngyöspata, Gyöngyönssolymos and Gyöngyöstarján.
Due to its size and quality wines, the Mátra wine region makes up more than thirty per cent of the Hungarian grape and wine export.
Making use of the natural conditions in Hungary, I highly recommend the wide range of wines produced by ‘my peers from the Mátra’ to those visiting our wine region – in a bit special but still ‘Babiczkilaci-style’, stuffed with ingenious attributes!!